Saturday, August 29, 2020

Peace Missions as an Element of International Security

Peace missions in the modern world are inextricably linked to the political and social processes taking place in specific regions of the globe.
When looking closer to the more than fifty-year history of international peacekeeping operations, write MARIAN KOPCZEWSKI and JACEK NARLOCH, it should be noted that as time passes, they undergo constant transformations. Their types, goals, and ways of implementation are changing. That is because the environment in which such operations are carried out is changing, they write in ‘Peace missions as an element of international security’, published in the Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces
Peace missions are also transforming the goals and priorities of local and international communities. Permanent modification is also subject to threats in the modern world.
The authors note that peace missions are conducted under ever-changing social, economic, and political conditions. “They must be flexible so that they can adapt to new challenges. Success is never guaranteed because the tasks related to maintaining peace are carried out in challenging conditions.” 
The success of the peace mission depends on many factors, such as the composition of the peacekeeping mission (military personnel, police, civilian employees), logistical support, entrusted tasks, and the environment in which the peace mission operates.

The United Nations and the Protection of Civilians: Sustaining the Momentum

The protection of civilians (PoC) concept remains contested twenty-three years after the first PoC mandate.  Current PoC frameworks used by ...